Benton Dene Schools

Benton Dene Schools


Here is a link to the Oxford Owls for home main website

Parent login page

Student login page

Our children can access Oxford Owl online to read or listen to their levelled books online. Each child has their own log on (please check Seesaw for this information or message your class teacher for more information). We urge our families to log on and enjoy the platform to support your child’s love of reading! 

Reading is a vital skill that will support children’s learning across our whole curriculum. As a school, we will ensure that all of our children are given the best opportunities to be taught to read with fluency, accuracy and understanding through a variety of discrete and cross-curricular learning opportunities. We want children in our school to become enthusiastic, independent and reflective readers. 

Essentially, we want children to enjoy reading and to read for pleasure.

The Reading books scheme used in school is The Nelson PM Scheme’. 

We continuously assess our children's reading levels using the PM Benchmark Reading Assessment to ensure they are reading books with an appropriate amount of challenge.

We also track progress using Local Authority Age Related Expectations and our own progress tracker.

Reading Guide PDF

Reading and Phonics Workshop PDF December 2020


Check out red and blue zone's reading displays. Pupils can sign a book out to read and share with friends. Students in blue zone are also leaving reviews to help their peers in choosing a book!


This year we had a different kind of advent calendar.  The classes across school opened the doors and received a book to share with their friends. 

We celebrated Ronald Dahl Day across school. Mrs Kerr adapted one of his stories and added sensory aids. Can you guess the story? 

Success! First chapter read and now onto the next. Well done.

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Here are some age appropriate reading recommendations for you and your child to share at home for pleasure.