Benton Dene Schools

Benton Dene Schools

Speech and Language Therapy

Nicky Ramsay, Izzy Davy and Lottie Hayes (Speech and Language Therapists) work part of each week in Benton Dene School.

They work closely with school staff to:

  • Assess and identify children’s communication, speech and language needs.
  • Support children with physical eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties. 
  • Set communication and language targets for individual children that can be integrated into everyday activities.
  • Provide activities and resources that can be used in class.
  • Support the use of specialist communication strategies throughout school.
  • Provide regular individual or group therapy for children if appropriate.
  • Work closely with school staff to develop effective communication environments.
  • Support staff through training, modelling, and regular meetings. 



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