Benton Dene Schools

Benton Dene Schools


Benton Dene School is a Foundation Special School and a member of the North Tyneside Learning Trust.

Benton Dene School is part of the Benton Dene Schools campus and works as part of the Longbenton Pyramid with Benton Dene Primary School and Longbenton High School.

Benton Dene School caters for the needs of pupils with complex Cognition and Learning Difficulties and/or Autism Spectrum Condition who primarily live within North Tyneside. The children with ASC may not have a learning difficulty but require a learning environment specifically designed to meet their needs as a learner with ASC.

The school currently provides education from Reception to Year 6. 

A Pupil can be admitted:

  • Following a full statutory assessment of SEN by the Local Authority with Benton Dene School being the named provision in the Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). The headteacher will also be in agreement that the school can meet the needs of the pupil as identified in the EHCP.
  • Following the approach by another Local Authority to North Tyneside to request a place at Benton Dene School. The place would be discussed with North Tyneside Local Authority in the first instance before moving forward to a possible admission


There can be no admissions to Benton Dene School outside these identified routes.

Admissions procedure:

  • Once a place has been proposed, parents or carers will have the opportunity to meet with the Headteacher and tour the school. This is often facilitated by a member of the SSS team
  • If a place is requested, an admission date will then be agreed with the Local Authority and the child’s family
  • No child will be admitted without them having visited the school with their parent or carer. During this visit, the child will meet their teacher and visit the classroom that they will be placed in
  • A transition plan will then be agreed with the parents or carers
  • Parents will need to complete relevant paperwork for school before admission can take place
  • Classroom staff will ensure that all elements of classroom routines and structures are in place for the first day of admission