We follow the RWI Programme which is a lively, fun way to teach phonics. The children like the pictures and symbols and they help them to remember the letter sounds. Fred the frog helps your child read words by segmenting them and blending sounds.
What is Read Write Inc ?
Saying the sounds
Blending the sounds
The link below will take you to a YouTube playlist with a host of other videos to help parents and carers with supporting their child's language development.
When our children start their learning journey through the RWI programme we begin with an adapted version using symbol supports and Cued Articulation.

Resources you can use to support your child's development at home
Here you will find a selection of phonic resources that we have created based on the Early Letters and Sounds and the RWI programme by Ruth Miskin to support your child's learning at home as they progress through the Pre RWI and the Read Write Inc programme.
Activity Cards to demonstrate how your child learns in school.
You could try these at home too.
RWI Set 1 Sounds | RWI Set 1 Green Words | RWI Set 2 Sounds | RWI Set 2 Green Words |
RWI Set 3 Sounds | RWI Set 3 Words | Additional Sounds | Additional Sound Words |
RWI Sound Rhymes | Red Words | Set 1 Nonsense Words | Set 2 Nonsense Words |
Set 3 Nonsense Words | RWI Set 2 Words |
Here is a link to the Oxford Owls for home. This website has some useful videos and helpful information and ideas to help your child with RWI at home.
Additional RWI flash cards that you might find useful at home.
RWI Additional Sounds | Set 1 Flashcards | Set 2 Flashcards | Set 3 Flashcards |
RWI Sound Practice Sheets Set 1
These activity sheets will support your child's handwriting and sound recognition. The order of sounds shown here is the same order your child will learn them in school.
m, a, s, d, t
m | a | s | d | t |
i, n, p, g, o
i | n | p | g | o |
c, k, u, b
c | k | u | b |
f, e, l, h, sh, r
f | e | l | h | sh | r |
j, v, y, w
j | y | v | w |
th, z, ch, qu, x, ng, nk
th | z | ch | qu | x | ng | nk |
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