Benton Dene Schools

Benton Dene Schools

Remote Learning

We are delighted to announce the Remote Learning Stars of the week ending 5.3.21  as...

Our staff have created some educational videos to support your Home Learning topics. BDS Videos

Don't forget to look at the Class pages for Home Learning Timetables and termly plans.

Our Curriculum shows detailed plans and more information relating to all areas of the curriculum.

Some examples of work completed at home. Don't forget to look on class pages for more examples of work at home and in school.

We have put together some suggested ideas for things you could do with your child at home in the following categories work, sensory, life skills, movement and choice. Feel free to print off these choice sheets and create daily timetables for your child. 
We also have added a page with Visual Resources for use at home. This can be found under the heading Parents and Carers.
In school we use Commando Joe as a part of our Challenge and Development curriculum. The program helps children to develop skills like teamwork, confidence and resilience whilst completing engaging missions. During this remote learning period the Commando Joe team are posting a mission each day on their YouTube channel. You can access this by following this link. 

Links to websites we use and recommend for Home Learning.

BDS Purple Mash website


BBC Bitesize

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